our unique and primary circle experience.
this year, we’re offering portal one mini, a condensed five-week version of our signature program, designed to give you the tools to soften into your true nature. in this intimate and transformative program, we’ll focus on parts work and embodiment practices, helping you cultivate compassion, ease, and deeper connection to yourself, even in the midst of life’s challenges.
learn how different parts of your inner landscape have been shaped by your past experiences, and how to gently support these parts with compassion. this work helps calm your reactivity and opens up more space for grounded, thoughtful responses to life.
through gentle, somatic-based techniques, you’ll be guided to reconnect with your body as a sacred home. these practices are designed to bring you back to a sense of calm, joy, and presence, helping you navigate life’s ups and downs with greater ease.
Begin to feel the way you’ve always longed for, with gentle shifts rather than grand changes.
ready to reconnect with yourself and soften into the life you want to live? sign up for portal one mini today and end the year feeling more aligned, grounded, and at ease.

what you get
you will be exposed to perspectives like parts work, primary and secondary experience, and neuro plasticity as ways to begin to understand the different maps you might use to approach the harder moments in your day to day life. these perspectives will hold you, and position you move into deeper choice in how you respond to your reality, no matter what it holds.
portal one mini also offers a virtual group support space that is active six days a week. in the group space you can ask questions and receive real time intuitive guidance from robin. we have found this high contact model allows for gentle and deep transformation by providing repetition of concepts and a sense of being held through your unique exploration.
in portal one mini you will be supported in learning core practices that you can count on to hold and transform you for years. these practices are a foundational piece of our tradition at soyala, because we quite simply have seen time and time again that they work to bring us back into contact with the vibrant truth of our awakened embodiment.
you have live virtual circles every week, with guided small group practice and group specific teaching - as well as time for check-ins and reflections. all live circles are “come as you are.” we believe sacred space is a space where you feel confident attuning to your needs and life commitments.
This is for YOU if
✓ portal one mini is for you if you have explored having a personal practice but you are looking for a place to deepen your commitment or shift your practice from a to-do list item to something that deeply nourishes you.
✓ portal one mini is for you if you have already done some healing work, like traditional talk therapy, and you are looking to layer in some deeply transformative perspective.
✓ portal one mini is for you if you want to make big changes in your life, without making huge changes in your life. portal one is a space where constant small shifts in energy, attention and perspective add up quickly.
✓ portal one mini is for you if you are ready to receive deep holding and laser sharp intuitive guidance on your spiritual path in a space that also enjoys laughter and joking, welcomes you in pajamas or a ball gown, and knows you might have to step out to attend to your body, your child, or another aspect of your real life.
✓ portal one mini is for you if you are ready to put down the mantle of helping everyone before you attend yourself and take some time to receive.
✓ if you are new to soyala, and portal one mini feels like too big of a commitment right now - check out OPEN CIRCLE.
✓ if you have had a consistent practice for years, and you feel familiar with the perspectives of parts work, compassion, and non-dual lineage you might belong in ULTIMATE DIMENSIONS.
changes people experienced from portal one:
“the changes and growth have been profound especially my capacity to practice loving myself, and attuning to my entire operating system also tending to my nervous system with more love, softness, and ease.”
“a new depth of understand about myself that brought tangible changes in my life and a deeper understanding of myself and connection to a sense of purpose, peace and protection”
“I'm no longer too scared to face my parts and their wounds, and have found a trusted guide to hold a safe space where I can do the work of healing, growing without regret, and embracing self love.”
“I opened up to receiving in a whole new way. I've experienced loving myself in a way I never had before. In a deeply nourished way in which I more consistently choose nourishment over "shoulds". I can see all those old patterns of self-betrayal and feel more clear in choosing something else AND also don't make myself feel guilty about past self-betrayals. And when I feel more connected to love toward myself, it also makes it easier to lay aside irritation, impatience, etc. with other people in my life.”
“I generally find it easier to ground myself, regain my composure, show up as the person I want to be…”
“I feel more connected to humanity and the earth too thru practice and just letting life move thru me more”
“I approach life and myself with curiosity and compassion, everything feels softer in a good way.”
“Life before Portal One was like being in a washing machine during the fastest spin cycle available. After Portal One it’s like experiencing all the parts of the cycle. Micro practicing has enabled me to hold space for the craziness, while I ground myself in awareness that helps me to let a little bit go at a time.”

what you get in PORTAL ONE mini
10 live virtual circles
5 weeks of support via telegram group
soyala’s core guided practices library, with over 30 recorded practices
private sessions are not included but are available as an add-on for extra support
customized practice suggestions
intuitive guidance and support applicable to your real life
teachings on parts work, embodied awakening, somatic meditation, non-dual perspective, true nature, and more
content customized to group needs and interests
What is…
parts work
learning the different ways our “operating system” was formed by early childhood, ancestral pathways, and society. recognizing that all parts are well intentioned. bringing true nature and compassion on-line to support all parts which calms down reactivity and brings greater capacity for choice and response.
embodied awakening
at soyala we landed on the term “embodied awakening” but we realize those words can feel confusing, awkward, or even alienating at times.
at soyala we are not leading from a singular established lineage, but rather a weaving of perspectives. within this eclectic but stabilized framework we are constantly recognizing that our embodiment is a key element to our experience of our life. we explore this many ways, from journeying within the body, to somatic based practices, to nervous system understanding and flexibility. our bodies are our sacred homes and our practices are pathways to our deepest homecoming.
we also believe in awakening. this is awakening to a greater spaciousness, a connection with the great mother and the wildness of life, to the field of compassion and love and joy for no reason at all. this awakening to the okayness that is always already present can feel both profound and almost laughingly familiar. yet, it is a place of deep comfort when we stabilize in it.
somatic meditation
we believe that already awake awareness is always already present in the energy of our sacred embodiment. simple and profound reconnection to our felt sense of embodiment welcomes us back home in gentle and profound ways. we soften into the wisdom of embodiment and the truth of self love that exists through these practices.
non-dual perspective
weaving together different lineages soyala explores the non-dual perspective including, no-self no-other, a unified field of awareness from which experience arises, an awakened ultimate reality from with the constructs of relative reality occur.
true nature
the concept that your already awakened nature is always present within your current consciousness. your true nature is inherently open, curious and compassionate - not through effort but effortlessly. true nature always is ready to welcome and understand any part of your operating system, and is available to respond to your reality with a grounded curiosity, love, and sense of right action.
and more
we love to riff on all kind of ideas, from use of pendulums and oracle cards to the different between primary and secondary experience, from ancestral energy clearing to recent neuroscience finding on resting brain states, to quantum theories. if you love exposure to eclectic ideas and resources you will love portal one.
our practices and teaching will cover the gamut of profound esoteric and highly practical. we do not believe in any kind of practice that is about escapism or bypassing - but rather the practices that remember us how to open to depth of living - both the suffering and the joy, the pain and the pleasure. here we contact our true compassion and deep sense of oneness with all that is, dissolving the layers of stress and worrying that can distract us from our greatest wish for ourselves and the world. the soyala teachings and practices support you in accessing and amplifying your own personal peace and stability that remain even while life is lifing you.
joining portal one mini is simple!
you have two options for next steps on joining portal one mini:
are you curious but not yet clear? we’ve got you covered…book a zero pressure inquiry call and chat with us about portal one.
know you’re a yes? simply register now and grab your virtual seat in the next round of portal one mini!

the details:
teachings on parts work, embodied awakening, somatic meditation, non-dual perspective, true nature, and more
private sessions aren’t included but are available as an add-on for extra support
an important note on pricing:
pricing is set based on a clear and inherent sense of the value of what soyala provides. we are also committed to being available to you even if the pricing is genuinely out of your current reach. if you find yourself longing to join in any of soyala’s programs or sessions, but the price is stopping you, simply contact us. we can work together to create flexible payment plans and reduced pricing as in alignment with your real and true financial situation. we also love to work with people in abundance positions to provide scholarship and donation opportunities. if this is you, contact us to arrange a gift.
Join Portal One mini
a five week, small group, program to radically welcome you home to your own awakened nature, using tried and true embodied awakening* teachings and practices.
our next Live Circles
beginning november 17th
a condensed five-week version of our signature program, designed to give you the tools to soften into your true nature. in this intimate and transformative program, we’ll focus on parts work and embodiment practices, helping you cultivate compassion, ease, and deeper connection to yourself, even in the midst of life’s challenges.
are you curious but not yet clear? we’ve got you covered….