there is nothing to fix, solve, or remember.


rest & receive bundle

with this offering i am inviting you to join me in a practice energetic i have been studying deeply, and expanding my own capacity in. the space of RESTING & RECEIVING.

rest allows us to relax our grip on the construct of hustling through life. i practice “rest” as an energetic state, just as much as i think of resting as simply doing less. rest is a state of being.

in my practice with opening to receive, i have noticed dramatic shifts in my overall energy, perceptions, and day to day life. when i am able to slow down for moments of filling up, i regain some balance and clarity in my intentions and actions.

it’s like a simple magic i didn’t know was available.

this collection is designed to invite and invoke the energies of resting and receiving in your day to day life. you can work with the collection of guided practices over and over again as you invite your system to explore the energies of resting and receiving, to see what unfolds and how you feel when you visit these each day. the transmissions, or channeled messages and teachings, will inexplicably guide towards your own already awakened nature, or natural aligned expression in the world.

REST and RECEIVE is a series of short guided practices to saturate yourself in, and transmissions for your ease of awakening which you can listen to as you nap, day dream, or even drift off to sleep for the night.

the rest & receive bundle includes:

  • 5 guided practices each approximately 10 minutes long and

  • 5 awakening transmissions each 8-10 minutes long

rest & receive bundle

an important note on pricing:

pricing is set based on a clear and inherent sense of the value of what soyala provides. we are also committed to being available to you even if the pricing is genuinely out of your current reach. if you find yourself longing to join in any of soyala’s programs or sessions, but the price is stopping you, simply contact us. we can work together to create flexible payment plans and reduced pricing as in alignment with your real and true financial situation. we also love to work with people in abundance positions to provide scholarship and donation opportunities. if this is you, contact us to arrange a gift.