into the depths
a pop-up oracle circle
into the depths is a 27 day virtual circle to explore the deep tides that are pulling at as from the center of the void. we will use daily oracular messages, sacred tools, and guided practices. we will cultivate a sense of ceremonial exploration in the midst of our regular, day to day lives. robin will provide laser focused intuitive readings for each circle member.
let’s go into the deep
we are being called into the great lake at the center of the void.
i am looking for a few brave, tender, vulnerable souls to traverse this mystery together.
there’s something waiting there for us, at the bottom of the bottom. where it all opens back up and you fall out a hole you didn’t know was there and wind up in the stars and the skies.
if you’ve been feeling it alone,
it may have felt like too much.
but it’s hasn’t passed,
because it’s calling.

why the depths?
the singing from the depths of the darkest blue seas,
wanting us to come towards,
to move into,
to dissolve in their loving embrace and discover a new song,
for our hearts
for our beloveds,
to find a knew way for all.
to go in deep and bring back the wisdom of surrender that humanity needs now.
i know the lake in the depth of the void will hold us because i asked her.
and i know she is waiting for you too because she told me
a few tender, tentative, and brave souls who feel this same undoing pulling at them - right now.
the journey has been calling me every day and i have tried to say no because the timing feels funny but it doesn’t stop calling.
how can it be time to go into the depths when the days are so long? and the sun is so bright?
every day
each practice
we will sing.
we will chant.
we will weep and laugh.
we will practice.
we will work with cards and the like,
we will receive messages from the divine to guide us each day,
a little deeper,
another layer washed away.
if you’ve been feeling it alone,
it may have felt like too much.
something feels a little off
or scary
or not quite right.
you’ve felt an emotional pull,
a sense of unrest,
a death practice energy.
the deep is calling us towards her
into her vast embrace
she wants us to to be transfixed
and transformed
by her knowing.
that which is never born
and does not die.
are you being called?
she wants us to lean in together.
a small circle of listeners,
change makers,
freedom warriors,
wisdom seekers and keepers
who are ready for what comes next.
are you one of the ones being called?
the answer rests in your deep belly,
in the back line of your embodiment
in the whispered knowing of the womb space.
hold the invitation
feel into it
you will know
and we will gather our small circle
and begin.
what is included in into the depths:
27 days of oracle guidance* channeled by robin and delivered via telegram private group
weekly attuned guided practices delivered via telegram and stored in our membership area
sacred tools and practical ceremonial invitations
4 live virtual group calls and
3 private sessions: 1:1 mini deep dives
access to the soyala guided practices library
daily support exploring the discomfort of the depths of the void with a finger always on the pulse of the multiverse
plenty of space and encouragement for your voice, perspective and questions
*what is oracle guidance?
channeled messages specifically for our circle that honor the deepest divinity of your total embodied awakening and the real nuances of current reality. spiritual empowerment without fluff or bypassing. laser sharp intuition on a group and individual basis, i will not be holding back.
join into the depths
a 27 day oracle circle to explore the vast lakes at the center of the void. the discomfort pulling you towards the center of the bottom. the wisdom the great depths hold for us to live & guide in the now.
live virtual circle
beginning late july 2024
know you’re a yes? register now to grab your seat in this circle.
please note into the depths has 2 pricing options. 1 payment of $985 OR 2 payments of $699 each for a total payment of $1,398.
please choose the tier that most accurately reflects your financial reality right now.
are you curious but not yet clear? we’ve got you covered….