soyala: a PRACTICAL and WELCOMING approach to spirituality

are you looking for something but you are just not quite sure what it is? feeling like you’re at a moment in your life where what you were doing, or have done, isn’t quite it any more,  but you can’t even name what would be better? Do you feel a little disconnected, overwhelmed, or lost at sea? we understand…

soyala is an embodied compassion lineage

in our programs and workshops you will receive both micro-shifts and massive ah-ha’s to inspire you. over and over our community members have reflected developing a vastly deeper capacity for joy, calm, self-trust and love — even without major changes to their external life. at soyala we transform and soften from the inside out. the pathways we guide are customizable to your reality, and have worked for hundreds of people.

come learn perspectives and practices that will create change in your real, day to day life.

we guide from our practical, personal experiences and felt sense, we don’t offer one cookie cutter solution. we have woven together a collection of perspectives, tools and practices that work to create greater connection, peace, and power into our modern life. this collection invites you to rediscover the innate truths of your humanity - compassion, curiosity, love, and peace - in how you relate with your self and your communities. 

do you want to experience more calm and compassion, a greater capacity to be present with your own life and loved ones, and a deeper trust in your wisdom and intuition?

our programs will gently welcome you home to your true self and deepest expression.

although robin struggled with some mental health issues in her teens, it was a freak horseback riding accident in the winter of 1998 that was the catalyst shifting robin’s life path and leading to the birth of soyala. 

robin’s eclectic and eager learning style exposed her to many different teachers and lineages in a compact timeframe, while she also had devoted long term study with her primary teachers. robin’s training ranged from telepathic animal communication and traditional shamanic healing practices, to getting a master’s degree in counseling psychology. She then deepened her exploration of tibetan buddhism and parts work. robin also immersed herself in energy work, yoga training, homeopathy, flower essences, and ancestral clearing. 

what robin discovered was that there was a certain thread of truth running through all the pathways that “worked.” a vast open field of love already present, a belief in the inherent compassion of humanity, and a skill set of open, kind, presence cultivated towards all that arises. these threads in many traditions ultimately lead to significantly greater peace, calm, and joy. 

after years of offering one on one sessions, as well as large and small group work, robin was clear that the energy of her business, soyala, had created replicable results through guiding consistent practice pathways and perspectives with luminous threads of truth. she excitedly realized that there was a clear and even progressive system to the practices as well as practical and customizable ways to approach the teachings of soyala.  she committed herself to making soyala available to as many people as possible, as these pathways were consistently meeting the desires and needs of people who came to soyala looking for spiritual guidance and embodied compassionate awakening support.

meet soyala’s founder, robin

meet soyala’s founder, robin ◦

the Soyala Support TEAM

Amanda Tisdel

Content Creatrix and Social Media Magician

  • My name is Amanda and I have been deliciously wrapped in Soyala circles for just about two years now since 2022. My first program with Soyala was portal one and it reintroduced me to myself in such a powerful way that there was no questioning participation in a second round. Then, when ultimate dimensions was born I jumped at the opportunity to join.

    What I love about being a part of Soyala programs is how profound it is to travel alongside other women who are also curious about exploring and deepening into this experience of life together. Of course, we are all just living our regular lives but when you come together in a safe space to share and ask the deeper questions and get curious about HOW we are living our regular lives, something magical happens and sometimes it can even transform the way we relate to ourselves, the world and our own lives.

    I have enjoyed and adored every moment that I have been involved in Soyala which naturally led to me becoming a part of the team where I am the Content Creatrix and Social Media Magician. I love being able to share with others the value of what these programs have done for me. I feel such power in women coming together and being held in such compassionate and loving spaces that allow for our exploration, transformation and blooming open. We would be honored to have you.

at soyala we are delighted to share that our clients often return to our programming again and again, excited to unlock the next doorway on their journey and trusting us to guide and hold them in the process. 


 in soyala programs and workshops you will always be met where you truly are with gentle and loving guidance towards perspectives and practices that can support you in moving towards your dreams for yourself and the world. we want you to come as you are and we promise to guide from our truth, not performative dogma.


we believe that joy is a birthright and that it can be remembered in both the simple and profound moments of your real life. We work with practices that remind us of the joy of embodiment and our connections with the natural world, as well as the simple truth of joy for no reason at all.


welcome to soyala, a community where you will be met and held in compassionate presences. the experience of being in compassionate space helps to cultivate embodied compassion in ourselves as well. we turn with curiosity towards all parts of ourselves and trust that what is a arising is the pathway home.


we offer a peaceful approach to all aspects of life. We welcome life and death, laughter and tears, sucess and failure, ease and suffering. we guide from a place of openness to what is -  trusting that the path is ripe with benefit when it is met with a sense that at the heart of it, everything is sacred


our blog is a mix of easily applicable practice notes, poetry, and stories of embodied  compassion in action during modern life.

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choose your point on the path

01. Beginner

New to Soyala, somatic meditation or contemplative practice?

Feeling curious about how your life might shift or change if you practice but not sure what exactly that means? We’ve got you. Explore our offerings for the curious but not certain. 

02. mid-point

Have you had a taste of what meditative practices can offer you, but you’re not quite sure how to make it a part of your daily life?

Are you looking for space to share with other deeply curious people? Explore our offerings for those who have had a taste and wonder what more might mean.

03. advanced

Do you have an established meditation practice, and a sense of your life as a spiritual path, but are longing for an honest guide and community you can trust and align with?

Explore our circles for advanced practitioners on the bodhisattva jedi path.