an incantation:
set yourself free from the prompts and believe in your own heart and way - even if it is only for one day. one day to imagine the full liberation of no right and no wrong. eat anything, say anything, drink anything, write anything.
be adoring of a cat and a mat and nothing else. don’t think about anyone else feels about you. just be alone and soft in your body and breathe. be in love in love in love that is nothing but a field. a state of existence.
what would happen if you quit fixing everything. if you forsake right and wrong and sat right in the now for longer and longer. each thought a simple reminder to unhook from thinking. each sensation a fresh opportunity for wonder, for awe, for compassion. be still. not as in nothingness, but as in a quiet surrender to life being already enough.
nothing must be escaped because right here is so perfect in its beingness. having arrived finally and fully, empty out the drive to get anywhere else. the only way to get there is to begin by being here and see what arises next. there is no short cut or faster way. seeking those will get you, perhaps, just the opposite.
a story:
not that long ago i told my (very lovely) energy worker to fuck off.
i was laying on the table receiving some of her work when she spoke up.
“i know this is going to be a little hard for you but they are insisting,” she started.
my hackles were already up because though i was a telepathic, spiritual, medium, and working as an intuitive healer, i couldn’t stand the words “they are saying.” it just made the crispy crunchy parts of me CRINGE.
“there is this very specific love song they want me to put on,” she continued, “and you get up off the table and just slow dance to it. it is funny, because it is a pretty corny pop song. i know it will be hard for you, but let’s try.”
my whole body froze.
get. up. off. the. table. and. dance. to. a. pop. love. song?
no. fucking. way.
“how does that feel?” she asked.
no response i had seemed appropriate so i lay there in silence. all i wanted to say was “are you fucking kidding me? this is bullshit! just do the energy work don’t ask me to be one of those fru fru happy people.”
she pressed on, “so i’ll go get the song started in about a minute or two ok?”
“i am feeling very fuck off.” i blushed, embarrassed to be such a bad person. but, there was no fucking way i was getting up to dance and i was in a full freeze to communicate that.
suddenly her treatment room seemed huge - and cold - and scary. i wondered if there might any way to just leave without doing this stupid dance thing without being too rude.
(i hoped she didn’t think i was going to like, have an emotion or anything while i did this.)
“i’ll get the music started and then leave the room,” she offered. “maybe that will make it easier for you to try?”
“fine,” i acquiesced - mostly so that she didn’t tell anyone we knew in common that i was a total farce, asshole, bitch.
how did i go from telling a talented healer to fuck off for inviting me to dance - to posting a silly dancing video promoting joy on instagram?
i gave up the hot power yoga in favor of cellular breathing, salt baths and foot rubs. i traded in online dating for long hot showers.i stopped asking other people to reassure me and learned to meet my own eyes in the mirror day after day and confess, “i have no fucking idea what i am doing but i promise to choose you robin. fail and fuck up and try again. i. choose. you.”
i prioritized compassion over ambition. i i learned to grieve to make space for joy.
also, i worked with teachers and guides who knew their shit.
photo: robin at the time of the dance
join us for a journey:
beginning february 10, 2025
3 consecutive 5 week circles
currently priced at the cost of one plus change.
learn specific practices to help you stay grounded in your center while you feel your complex responses to reality. using these practices you will remember your capacity to be with what is, whether it is pleasurable or painful.