welcome to open circle, our free, live, virtual gathering. we would love to have you join open circle anytime we meet, whether you’ve practiced in one of our containers or you’re brand new to our space. all are welcome, if you’ve been practicing for years or if you’re not even sure what the heck practice is.

open circle is for you if you are a human being living on the planet earth. in open circle we do a short, guided practice together and then share some details on how the practice is a supportive tool based on the reality of your every day life.

at soyala, we do not believe in spirituality as a way to escape anything, but rather a way to open to life moving through you, or to the concept of love for no reason at all.

we believe that practice can be a tool we use to help us approach the chaos, joy, and stresses of our life. we believe in theories and practices that work to have us feel more and more at home with ourselves irregardless of change to any external factors. simply put, we believe it is possible to feel more at peace right now.

we currently offer open circle twice a month. you are welcome to attend whether you have a life long practice, or if you’ve never meditated before. we offer a short guided practice and a short discussion on how this practice fits into real life. if you cannot attend live you will receive a recording.

open circle calendar:

friday, march 15 at 1pm EST

tuesday, march 26 at 12 noon EST

friday april 12 at 1pm EST

tuesday april 30 at noon EST

friday may 17 at 1pm EST

tuesday may 28 at noon EST

friday june 14 at 1pm EST

tuesday june 25 at noon EST

friday july 12 at 1pm EST

tuesday july 23 at noon EST

open circle calendar:

friday, march 15 at 1pm EST

tuesday, march 26 at 12 noon EST

friday april 12 at 1pm EST

tuesday april 30 at noon EST

friday may 17 at 1pm EST

tuesday may 28 at noon EST

friday june 14 at 1pm EST

tuesday june 25 at noon EST

friday july 12 at 1pm EST

tuesday july 23 at noon EST