community practice

welcome to 21 days of shaking

we will gather for 21 days of shared intention and practice. our practice is shaking, a simple and highly customizable somatic practice that can reduce stress and bring us into a more comfortable and clear embodiment.
shaking is a pathway to resting in your true nature.

what 21 days of shaking includes:

  • opening circle friday, december 1st 12pm EST - gather live virtually to learn a little bit about shaking and practice together.

  • daily accountability invitations in the telegram group

  • 9 guided shaking practices, 3 added per week

  • closing circle thursday, december 21st 2pm EST - gather live virtually to integrate 21 days of shaking and practice together.

we will be using telegram to host our virtual “sangha” group space. you can use telegram on any device including laptops, ipads and smart phones.

please download telegram to your device of choice and set up your account.

then use the button below to access your direct link to join our “21 days of shaking” group.

you can join anytime, but i will officially “open” our telegram space and begin posting there on decemeber 1st.

join the live circles:
thursday december 21st at 2pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 2850 6079

Passcode: 055995