community practice

join us for 21 days of shaking

we will gather for 21 days of shared intention and practice. our practice is shaking, a simple and highly customizable somatic practice that can reduce stress and bring us into a more comfortable and clear embodiment.
shaking is a pathway to resting in your true nature.

what 21 days of shaking includes:

  • opening circle friday, december 1st 12pm EST - gather live virtually to learn a little bit about shaking and practice together.

  • daily accountability invitations in the telegram group

  • 9 guided shaking practices, 3 added per week

  • closing circle thursday, december 21st 2pm EST - gather live virtually to integrate 21 days of shaking and practice together.

click below to join us!
please note there are TWO PAYMENT OPTIONS:
a one time payment of $55 for those who can afford that amount at this time.
two payments of $11 (a total of $22 paid over 2 months) for those who realistically cannot pay $55 at this time.

21 days of shaking
One time
For 2 months

join us for a playful and supportive intention to practice shaking everyday from decemeber 1 - decemeber 21.

i first learned shaking practice in 2012 from two different embodiment teachers. at the time, it was not a very common practice and though i looked around for research and information on it i couldn’t find much. because of that, i decided to explore it deeply on my own. i shook in the particular style that i had learned for 43 consecutive days for somewhere between 30 -60 minutes. the practice was deeply transformational. what i discovered was that shaking was a deeply adjustable and essentially almost effortless way to release current stress and tension from my physical body. shaking also touched the subtle bodies - i always finished my practice feeling warmer, softer and significantly more present in the now. as i continued my shaking practice these effects would often happen faster, as though my body was learning how to work with the practice even more profoundly. finally as my practice deepened i had the experience that i would have recollections of past stressful events, and if i simply allowed these to arise and continued shaking, i would have a similar release feeling in my body as i remembered them.

after my 43 days of personal exploration i began teaching other people how to shake. for the last ten years i have had the opportunity to offer this style of practice to countless people, and many of them have fallen in love.

because i have witnessed the beneficial effects of shaking for my self and so many other people, i am excited to once again offer this style of practice in daily commitment container. the added benefit of sharing a practice in community is astronomical. you will inexplicably receive not just support and encouragement from the sense of community, but also an increased ability to receive the benefits of practice by experiencing a sense of connection with all of us who are shaking.

whether you want to layer shaking into an existing daily practice, or use 21 days of shaking to jump start a daily practice for yourself - 21 days of shaking promises to be both playful, approachable, and beneficial. join us in this program to help support your nervous system and ease yourself into accessing your true nature.

note: if you are unable to stand and shake, or simply choose not to on any given day, you will be provided with cues and encouragement to shake seated or laying down, or to use visualization and imagination to gain the benefits of shaking.

21 days of shaking
One time
For 2 months

join us for a playful and supportive intention to practice shaking everyday from decemeber 1 - decemeber 21.

please note there are TWO PAYMENT OPTIONS:
a one time payment of $55 for those who can afford that amount at this time.
two payments of $11 (a total of $22 paid over 2 months) for those who realistically cannot pay $55 at this time.